Mathematics Research Unit, Université du Luxembourg - Research group Algebra and Number Theory

Workshop on Bianchi Modularity

Luxembourg, July 11 to July 15, 2016.

Scientific Committee:
Nicolas Bergeron,
Gebhard Boeckle,
Paul Gunnells.

Chairman: Gabor Wiese

Sara Arias de Reyna (Universidad de Sevilla): On an automorphy result for the tensor product of automorphic representations of GL_2 and GL_n in the self-dual case
Tobias Berger (University of Sheffield): Deformations of Saito-Kurokawa type
Lassina Dembélé (University of Warwick): On the existence of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction
Luis Dieulefait (Universitat de Barcelona): Chains of congruences linking Hilbert modular forms
Herbert Gangl (Durham University): Hyperbolic polyhedra from Bianchi groups
Lucio Guerberoff (University College London): Critical values of L-functions of potentially automorphic motives
David-Alexandre Guiraud (Universitaet Heidelberg): Generic unobstructedness for compatible systems of Galois representation in the CHT-setting
Günter Harder (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn): Explicit computation of denominators of Eisenstein cohomology classes
David Kohel (Université d'Aix-Marseille): Characterizing Galois representations by character theory
Ariel Pacetti (University of Warwick and Universidad de Buenos Aires): Elliptic curves over PID imaginary quadratic fields
Aurel Page (University of Warwick): Torsion homology of hyperbolic 3-manifolds in Jacquet-Langlands pairs and isospectral pairs
Jean Raimbault (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse): Asymptotic geometry of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds
M. Haluk Sengun (University of Sheffield): K-theory around arithmetic groups
Christopher Williams (University of Warwick)*: Overconvergent Bianchi modular symbols and p-adic L-functions
Dan Yasaki (University of North Carolina, Greensboro): Computing Bianchi modular forms using polytopes

* (to be confirmed)

By Bianchi modularity, we understand extensions from classical modularity over the rational field towards imaginary quadratic fields (respectively, from SL_2(Z) towards the Bianchi modular groups).
As contributions to this, we consider studies of Bianchi modular forms, attached automorphic representations and attached Galois representations, as well as relevant cohomology and attachable Abelian varieties.

The workshop is funded by a research grant of the chairman, Gabor Wiese.

For questions, please contact the workshop organiser.

Timetable of the workshop.


Printable poster (A4 letter format, black and white).

Travel information (might be of use for future events at Kirchberg campus).

Picture copyrights:
Left picture: Fundamental domain for the action of the Bianchi group of discriminant -427 on hyperbolic 3-space, relevant for computing the dimensions of the autormorphic representations spaces of this group. Computed with and visualized with geomview, picture under GNU General Public License license by Alexander D. Rahm.
Center: Photograph of Luigi Bianchi (1856 - 1928), as printed in his collected works, expired copyright.
Right: "A geometrical demonstration of the associativity law for the group operation on an elliptic curve", released into the public domain by its author, Thomas Cooper.