Methods for Low Dimensional Abelian Varieties — MELODIA. Supported by AAPG Grant of EUR 160,000. Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France. 2021–2026.
Cryptographic hash functions of number theoretic origins. Supported by Research Development Grant of AUD 33,000. Macquarie University, Australia. 2012–2014.
Cryptography for everyone — Crypto4All. Supported by STIC AmSud Grant of EUR 19,600. CNRS & MEAE, France; ANID, Chile; ANII, Uruguay. 2019–2021.
Calculateur haute performance — AI’A. Supported by AESEP Grant of EUR 33,350. Gouvernement de la Polynésie française. 2022.
Constructing Cryptographically Secure Structures — C2S2. Supported by STIC AmSud Grant of EUR 25,125. CNRS & MEAE, France; CAPES, Brasil; CONICYT, Chile. 2019–2021.
Courbes Hyperelliptiques : Isogénies et Comptage — CHIC. Supported by BLAN Grant of EUR 380,000. Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France. 2010–2014.
René 25. A conference celebrating the research interests of René Schoof. University of French Polynesia. 2025.
Géométrie algébrique, Théorie des nombres et Applications — GTA. University of French Polynesia. 2021.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory — AGC2T. CIRM Luminy, France. 2019.
Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry: Theory and Practice. University of French Polynesia. 2015.
Geometry and Cryptography — GeoCrypt. University of French Polynesia. 2013.
Algèbre, géométrie algébrique et applications à la théorie de l’information — École CIMPA. University of Douala, Cameroon. 2024.
Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication — MajecSTIC. University of Bordeaux, France. 2010.
Expert witness on cryptography. Court of appeals of French Polynesia. 2018.
Scientific reviewer. 2008–now.
Managing Editor. Polynesian Journal of Mathematics. 2024–now.
Correspondent for the Pacific region. Groupe de travail C2 (codage & cryptographie) des groupements de recherche n°673 (informatique mathématique) et n°2046 (sécurité informatique), CNRS. 2023–now.
Chairman of the board of examiners.
Member of hiring committees.
Director. Department of Science. 2022–2026.
Deputy Director. GAATI Laboratory. 2019–now.
Coordinator. CUPGE-MP elite curriculum. 2017–now.
Elected member. Research Council. 2021–2025.
Elected member. Technical Committee. 2014–2016.
Coordinator. ACAC Group Seminar. 2012–2013.
Member of the Scientific Council. 2006–2007.
Student Body Representative (DG). 2004–2006.