(picture with statue of Blaise Pascal)

My Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) thesis was defended at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, on June 8th, 2017. It is available on the TEL server. Jury: Nicolas Bergeron (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris), Mladen Dimitrov (Université Lille 1), Paul E. Gunnells (University of Massachusetts Amherst, rapporteur), Günter Harder (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn), Hans-Werner Henn (Université de Strasbourg, rapporteur), David Kohel (Université d'Aix-Marseille), Ralf Köhl (Universität Giessen), Alain Valette (Université de Neuchâtel, rapporteur, président).

Binational doctoral degree (Cotutelle de thèse), with the advisors
Prof. Dr. Philippe Elbaz-Vincent , Professor at Institut Fourier and Director of the Cybersecurity Institute, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
and Prof. Dr. Thomas Schick, Mathematisches Institut, Universität Göttingen, Germany.
Supported by a research grant of the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, and partially supported by DFH-UFA grant CT-26-07-I and by a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) grant.
The intensive computations award C3I has been attributed to this thesis.
The thesis was defended October 15th, 2010, Grenoble. It can be downloaded from the server TEL of the CNRS.
The iterated advisors of my advisors can be found in my mathematics genealogy graph.
I am grateful for a Research stay at the I3M Montpellier during my doctoral studies.

Since 2016, I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and in 2018, have been awarded the FSTC Teaching and Innovation Grant.

In 2015, I have been nominated by the President of National University of Ireland for the President's Award for Research Excellence.

I have been granted the MFO-hosted research project Constructing explicit elements in algebraic K-theory, joint with Rob de Jeu, Herbert Gangl and Dan Yasaki at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO), April 17 to 30, 2016. Here is the group photograph.

Professional experience in scientific research and university teaching:

2010-2011, Research fellow of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Mathematics. Mentor: Prof. Dr. Stephen S. Gelbart. There was a meeting of Steve Gelbart with Albert Einstein (historic video).

2011-2013, IRCSET Research fellow at the National University of Ireland at Galway, Department of Mathematics. Mentor: Prof. Dr. Graham J. Ellis.

2013-2015, Lecturer of Mathematics at National University of Ireland, Galway.

September 2015, invited scientific visitor at Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES).

October 2015 to August 2019, researcher at Université du Luxembourg and member of Prof. Dr. Gabor Wiese's Algebra and Number Theory research group - here is a group photograph.

Since September 2015, adjunct lecturer of Mathematics at National University of Ireland at Galway.

Since 2014, I am member of the editorial board of Research Matters, NUI Galway. Issue 10 of Research Matters is available for download, as well as Ted Hurley's article The annual GiG - Groups in Galway, which I have edited.

In 2016, I have built up the lunch seminar Our Mathematics Spectrum. From 2016 to 2019, I was organising the General Mathematics Seminar and the Colloquium of the Mathematics Research Unit of Université du Luxembourg.

Organisation of conferences

24-26 June 2020, co-organizing the 16th Pari/GP workshop at University of Luxembourg, with speakers Bill Allombert, Karim Belabas, Henri Cohen and Aurel Page.

4 and 5 of July 2019, organized the conference Interactions between Hyperbolic Geometry and Number Theory at University of Luxembourg.

3-7 July 2018, co-organized the Summer School Explicit and computational approaches to Galois representations at University of Luxembourg, with Shaunak Deo, Ilker Inam, Antonella Perucca and Gabor Wiese. Speakers: Sara Arias-de-Reyna, Henri Cohen, Bas Edixhoven and Davide Lombardo.

8th of June, 2017, organised the Colloquium on the Geometry of Groups and Numbers at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut Mathématique de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche.

In 2016, I have organised the Bianchi Modularity Workshop, in Luxembourg.

Jointly with Sejong Park, I did organise the conferences Groups in Galway 2014 and Groups in Galway 2015.

Also, I have been a member of the Local Organising Committee of the 30th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, 23-26 June 2015.

In 2010, I have been co-organising the Workshop on Geometry and Physics of the Landau-Ginzburg model at Institut Fourier, Grenoble.

Further teaching, administration and social activities

Since 2014

Member of the Irish Mathematical Society (IMS) and the European Mathematical Society (EMS)


Member of the Strategy Commission, Senate of Univ. Göttingen

2007 - 2009

Member of the Research Commission, Senate of Univ. Göttingen

Since 2007

Member of the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) and the Société Mathématique Francaise (SMF)


Adjointly in charge of the undergraduate seminar class in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology

2003, 2007

Volunteer at the Mathematics comptetition of Lower Saxony


Volunteer at the aged persons centre EVIM, Hattersheim am Main


Volunteer at the German Technical Relief agency THW

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