PhD studies are conducted under the supervision of
Gaetan Bisson and
David Kohel, member of the GAATI laboratory at the University of French Polynesia and of the Arithmetic and Information Theory (ATI) team within the Institute of Mathematics of Marseille (I2M).
A brief curriculum vitae is available here.
Research focuses on arithmetic geometry, a field at the intersection of algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry. The Master's thesis explored the generalization of the Kronecker-Weber theorem in the context of totally imaginary quadratic extensions, leveraging elliptic curves with complex multiplication. The thesis and a summary (in English) are available below:
My current research focuses on elliptic curves, offering deep insights into the arithmetic structure of finite, local, and global fields.
I am equally interested in both the computational and theoretical aspects, primarily using SageMath to perform effective calculations in number theory.
My work is based on a combination of class field theory and scheme theory, allowing me to navigate between these two frameworks to explore the interactions between arithmetic invariants, field extensions, and geometric objects. I also develop algorithmic methods for a concrete and rigorous study of these interactions, while promoting an abstract and unified approach.
For the 2024/2025 academic year, tutorials are taught at the University of French Polynesia (UPF) as part of the first-year Bachelor's degree program for the Mathematics - Science for Engineering portal.
The tutorial sheets were written by those responsible for the lectures:
Teaching experience began at Lycée Honoré Daumier in Marseille, with responsibilities including a classe de seconde générale and two classes de première spécifique during the CAPES internship. Lecture notes (in French and partially complete due to time constraints) are provided below: